Friday, August 12, 2011

Is this excerpt OK for a 15 year old writer?

If I'd written something like this when I was 15, I would probably still be proud of it now, so yes, it's good for 15. You still have a few things to learn about writing... such as it not being a good idea to respond to insults with other insults. (I would probably have reacted the same way when I was 15. That doesn't make it right.)

In search of a true story?

Back in (I think?) the early 1970’s there was a TV show about a normal baby, Allen whose underage mother was forced to give the baby up by her parents who then put the baby in a home for mentally ill children where he was raised. Now to the best of my recollection the special was called, “Isn’t it awful about Allen”. I can’t find any reference to the story so if anyone can help me with that I would greatly appreciate it and no, it was not “Its how awful about Allan”

A love song by David Lawrence?

The poet misses his lover. Sleep is his only escape when he can relive treasured moments with his absent love.

In search of the true story "Isn't it awful about Allen"?

Back in (I think?) the early 1970’s there was a TV show about a normal baby, Allen whose underage mother was forced to give the baby up by her parents who then put the baby in a home for mentally ill children where he was raised. Now to the best of my recollection the special was called, “Isn’t it awful about Allen”. I can’t find any reference to the story so if anyone can help me with that I would greatly appreciate it.

If you take down a robins nest after all babies have hatched, is it likely another robin could start another?

another nest their in the future? Will the babies come back to visit? Do the babies have any recollection of location?

If you were to die...?

and were bought back to life through science and technology...... say e.g. cryogenically frozen and thawed (I realise this is not currently possible), and you had no recollection of seeing god or going to heaven etc, would you still believe in him?

Would my hypothetical agreements between aliens and humans useable if there was a first alien contact?

What happens when the aliens want to, as you say, "...spread alien religions and languages to earthlings without seriously interfering [with] the earthlings' culture."